4PL Intermodal GmbH | jobs & career

Handelsblatt SWI-report – 4PL is one of the best Inational T employers in 2024

I’m sitting in Helsinki at a consortium meeting of our European project ReMuNet on the small island of Sirpalesaari in a restaurant Ravintola Saari and receive an email. The email comes from Handelsblatt from Düsseldorf in which an employee tells me that by participating in the SWI study have proven…

4PL Intermodal GmbH | jobs & career

4PL starts apprentice ship class in 2024

In 2023, 4PL Intermodal qualified us as an approved training company in the Stade (Elbe-Weser area) region at the IHK. Two employees are qualified in the specialist areas IT specialist – specializing in software development IT specialist – specializing in system integration Businessman for office ma…