We develop solutions
for marketing
intermodal transport

4PL Intermodal GmbH

As a digital logistics service provider, we support our customers in organizing and completing the transport of goods from industry and trade.

Digitizing intermodal order networking is the goal of 4PL.

Partial services are processed together in such a way that intermodal customers can successfully find and process their desired connection. We put ourselves at the service of the intermodalists with individual and standardized software products.

Transport chains simply networked!

Networking as a solution

“Together towards the goal” – even the best individual TMS software reaches its implementation limits if the systems behind it do not communicate as desired. We understand our task to be, among other things, to automatically network efficient and proven system landscapes with one another in such a way that every TMS is compatible.

Only then is it possible to showcase our competence (visibility and marketing of free resources) in the best possible way. Only in this way can the most efficient utilization of the resources offered be implemented.

4PL Intermodal entwickelt:

  • successful order networking of partial services
  • innovative IT-based solutions for logistic networks
  • high quality intermodal supply chain solution

Intermodal software solutions


IMSLOT is the neutral IT platform for intermodal transport routes, which reduces demanding booking processes to a few minutes thanks to a consistent digitization strategy and cross-industry standards.

IMSLOT Modules

With IMSLOT Modules we develop smart extensions according to the specific specifications and requirements of our customers. These expand the functionality of IMSLOT individually. Our customers can present their services stored in IMSLOT on their own website. We enable intermodal providers to import their customers’ bookings directly into their own TMS without high administrative hurdles….

Values that are important to us

As a developer of cross-sector standards for intermodal freight transport, our work is based on values that are fundamental for the acceptance and success of our solutions.

4PL Intermodal GmbH | jobs & career

Handelsblatt SWI-report – 4PL is one of the best national IT-employers in 2024

I’m sitting in Helsinki at a consortium meeting of our European project ReMuNet on the small island of Sirpalesaari in a restaurant Ravintola Saari and receive an email. The email comes from Handelsblatt from Düsseldorf in which an employee tells me that by participating in the SWI study have proven…

4PL Intermodal GmbH | jobs & career

4PL starts apprentice ship class in 2024

In 2023, 4PL Intermodal qualified us as an approved training company in the Stade (Elbe-Weser area) region at the IHK. Two employees are qualified in the specialist areas IT specialist – specializing in software development IT specialist – specializing in system integration Businessman for office ma…

Questions & Answers about 4PL Intermodal GmbH

As a start-up, we at 4PL Intermodal can experimentally apply and test new ideas and technical prototypes. In addition to the necessary know-how, we and our team are also interested in continuous further development. We create all the prerequisites for this. In this way the greatest possible success of the tasks in the projects is conceptually given and has also been achieved to date.

In addition, with its platform economy and technical support, 4PL Intermodal has the necessary resources to provide the research institutions with ideal conditions.

Yes, IMSLOT is being used productively by a steadily growing number of very well-known representatives of the intermodal transport industry. Due to the complex tasks in the transport sector, we grow consciously step by step and always with our partners and clients. In addition, IMSLOT modules are also used in research projects.

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