smart extensions
according to requirements
of our customers

IMSLOT Modules

IMSLOT Modules

With IMSLOT Modules we develop smart extensions according to the specific specifications and requirements of our customers. These expand the functionality of IMSLOT individually. Our customers can present their services stored in IMSLOT on their own website.

We enable intermodal providers to import their customers’ bookings directly into their own TMS without high administrative hurdles.

For example, entrepreneurs can exchange the GPS data of their own trucks with their customers, visualize them or provide them with ETA times.

Overview "IMSLOT Modules"

developed + Live

Advanced Booking

Advanced Booking enables the intermodal provider to handle fully validated and GDPR-compliant booking processes via its own website. Advanced Booking is the consistent further development of Capacity LookUp and increases the efficiency of IMSLOT for…

developed + Live


“ZDF” – Facts.Figures.Data. Who does not know this. But how big is the possibility for everyone to actually use the current and case-related detailed information from the system for evaluation and thus for analysis? 4PL Intermodal generates needs-bas…

developed + Live

Asset Tracker

With the asset tracker, the intermodal provider offers its customers an immediate transmission of the respective geo-position of the truck used when it is presented. The data is read in by the transport company via flexible interfaces. The intermodal…

developed + Live

Capacity LookUp

Capacity LookUp enables the services stored in IMSLOT to be integrated on your own website. Intermodal customers receive immediate answers to their capacity and price inquiries. This enables the services stored in IMSLOT to also be used for new custo…

developed + Live

CF Illustrator

Intermodal transports require a lot of energy to move goods that weigh tons. The energy consumption can also be measured on its CO2e consumption. The results are to be presented clearly and based on the actual consumption values. This is the goal of…

developed + Live


Dispatching requires the intermodal operator to know increasingly in real time the free capacities ( Kilogram / TEU ). The more trains are operated in different relations (or even several trains per day), the more challenging it is to maintain an ove…

developed + Live


Orders processed via IMSLOT contain extensive information in the bookings. In addition to the routing-relevant booking details, attention to customs-relevant information is also indispensable in order communication. This is inherent to the seaport pr…

developed + Live

Delivery Planner

When it comes to scheduling, it is important to maintain an overview. Numerous transport steps with different intermodalities and infrastructures make smooth processes difficult. Delays mean the need for action. Dispatchers need reliable sources of i…

developed + Live


Intermodal transport is characterized by the fact that the goods to be transported always require containers in which they are stowed for transport. In order to organize the availability of the appropriate equipment in a cost-effective, high-quality…

developed + Live


The GeoCoding+ module checks the addresses specified in the intermodal orders using various methodologies. The service determines uniform codifications for the respective addresses and returns these to the requesting party via an API call. In this wa…

developed + Live


Transport orders are the necessary but most labor-intensive step in the transport chain for intermodal operators. The data must be entered into the company’s own transport management systems (TMS) as quickly and correctly as possible. This represents…

developed + Live

Time Table

The heart of an intermodal provider is the timetable for its assets. These are subject to constant change and adaptation. IMSLOT Modules Time Table brings every change directly to the website. Customers are informed from the control center.

developed + Live


After the decision to use an intermodal offer has been made, the placement of the transport order takes place. Depending on the scope of the information and the number of orders, this can be a laborious undertaking. Not every company has interfaces t…

developed + Live

Vessel Tracker

Container sea vessels are queried with their exact ship position every hour and displayed on their last position. The arrival times at the scheduled quays are updated. Based on this, intermodal bookings can be queried and updated – fully automaticall…

in development

Slot Optimizer

The Slot Optimizer automatically determines the utilization and tendency of all resources. This knowledge is immediately taken into account and used in corporate communication via booking options. Corresponding price offers can be linked to utilizati…

FAQ "IMSLOT Modules, Startseite"

How is a CO2 factor calculated?

The bases of the calculation are subject to the scientific criteria. Here, DIN 16258: 2011 is a guideline for calculation and evaluation.

Is IMSLOT already being used productively?

Yes, IMSLOT is being used productively by a steadily growing number of very well-known representatives of the intermodal transport industry. Due to the complex tasks in the transport sector, we grow consciously step by step and always with our partners and clients. In addition, IMSLOT modules are also used in research projects.

Why was 4PL selected for the research projects?

As a start-up, we at 4PL Intermodal can experimentally apply and test new ideas and technical prototypes. In addition to the necessary know-how, we and our team are also interested in continuous further development. We create all the prerequisites for this. In this way the greatest possible success of the tasks in the projects is conceptually given and has also been achieved to date.

In addition, with its platform economy and technical support, 4PL Intermodal has the necessary resources to provide the research institutions with ideal conditions.

How long does it take to integrate a module on my own website?

The time required depends on whether a requirement has to be conceptually rewritten or whether we can already refer to a development at 4PL Intermodal.

It took us 4 weeks from the development to the integration of a module in the shortest possible time. This includes the conception as well as the test operation including LIVE gear.

In principle, we have had good experiences when we contribute to companies with iterative methods and successive implementation processes. This can mean up to 12 months of effort for those involved.

What criteria are used to select new IMSLOT modules?

IMSLOT modules are basically developed according to the needs of the IMSLOT customers and their users. The focus is on universal use for all IMSLOT customers. If this is an individual and exclusive requirement, this will also be taken into account. We are at your disposal for feature requests or suggestions.

Query IMSLOT Modules

If you are interested, we will be happy to inform you personally how our software solutions for the digitization of the intermodal transport industry are used in your company.


    Of course, you can also contact our support directly.

    +49 4261 9819970

    We are available by phone on weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m..