1st Logistics Conference Central Germany 2019
Central Germany is a hub and junction of many trans-European transport axes in logistics.
Whether it is logistics by road, rail, water or air – they all have to face the new challenges, realign their corporate philosophy, invest in digitalisation and process optimisation in order to remain competitive in the market.
At the 1st Logistics Conference Central Germany this was implemented with a trade fair accompanying the event as well as networking.

State Transport Minister Webel describes the ideal booking process of a transport in digital terms and thus provides a target description of the future transport of goods. In terms of intermodal bookings, IMSLOT can already deliver in this regard today. The Berlin BGL representative office manager Jens Pawlowski describes the growth of trade flows and the need for communication platforms. With Managing Director Patrick Ernst from Salzland Rail Service, the participants gain an insight into the current challenges in continental rail freight transport. It is and remains a challenge to always keep the local facts up-to-date in the digital offers of DB AG.
Kai Maaß, Vice President of DB Cargo AG, on the other hand, tried to work out the immense requirements in the railway system in such a way that every participant became aware of the complexity to which rail transport is exposed. A lot has been and is being invested in “rail”. Digitalisation is only one aspect of becoming more efficient. Hergen Hanke with the newly founded modal 3 Logistik is now operationally developing offers for all modes of transport – rail, truck, inland waterway.

4PL Intermodal used the trade fair to introduce the product IMSLOT to the participants via the exhibition stand and the start-up pitch.
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Nils Olaf Klabunde
Nils-Olaf Klabunde ist seit über 20 Jahren im intermodalen containerisierten Güterverkehr in unterschiedlichen Positionen aktiv.