DVWG 16 Baltic Transport Forum / Presentation of IMSLOT
On 7 November 2019 90 participants from Germany, Sweden and Poland met at a rail transport conference. conference: the focus was on questions relating to passenger and freight transport from a and freight transport were discussed from a scientific, political and economic economic point of view. Is rail transport the driving force or the bottleneck for the maritime the maritime economy and population in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern?
In four sessions extensive details in informative and expert impulse lectures. impulse lectures. At the end, it was clear, at least for Dr. Pahnke, that that rail freight transport is only just getting started and that collaboration between all collaboration of all participants is a necessary prerequisite for this.
Session 1: Development and prospects in passenger transport in MV 8
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Reise, DVWG Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V. / University of Applied Sciences Wismar
- Grußwort der Landesregierung Dr. Rainer Kosmider, Ministerium f. Energie, Infrastruktur und Digitalisierung
- Planungen des Schienenpersonennahverkehrs in MV im Kontext Schieneninfrastruktur und Finanzen Dr. Rainer Kosmider, Ministerium f. Energie, Infrastruktur und Digitalisierung
- Development of long-distance passenger rail services in MV from the point of view of the Deutschlandtakt. Robert Ohler, DB Fernverkehr Offer Planning
Session 2: Hardware infrastructure: basis for efficient rail transport
Moderation: Arvid Kämmerer, DVWG MV e.V.
- Development of the rail infrastructure in the northeast – service provider for maritime hinterland transport Arvid Kämmerer, DVWG MV e.V.
- DB Netz and seaport hinterland transport – capacity and quality in focus for the next few years. Renado Kropp, DB Netz AG
- Capacity and quality development through digital interlockings and ETCS – example pilot project, Berlin – Rostock and Rostock node. Ingo Buhlke, DB Netz AG
Session 3: International trends / focal points of maritime developments
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Reise
- Future use of rail ferries – conditions and dependencies Ron Gerlach, Stena Line
- Current state and recent developments in swedish rail hinterland traffic Richard Kirchner, Green Cargo
- Latest developments in polish port hinterland rail transport Robert Marek, Gdynia Maritime University
Session 4: Forum Güterverkehr in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Moderation: Dr. Bernd-Rüdiger Pahnke, TFG Transfracht
- Introduction and introduction to the contributions Dr. Pahnke, TFG Transfracht
- Optimising Finnlines’ activities under the current challenges Uwe Bakosch, Finnlines
- IMSLOT – einfach KV buchen! Nils-Olaf Klabunde, 4PL Intermodal
- Log logistics at the port-rail interface Steffen Borstel, Baltic Wood Transport
- moderated panel discussion Anfragen | Dr. Pahnke und Referenten
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Nils Olaf Klabunde
Nils-Olaf Klabunde ist seit über 20 Jahren im intermodalen containerisierten Güterverkehr in unterschiedlichen Positionen aktiv.