PhysICAL starts / Fraunhofer Research Austria counts on IMSLOT Modules
“We research for a better environment” says Dr Sandra Stein (Fraunhofer Research Austria, Vienna)..
DThis slogan is the subtitle of PhysICAL, the ambitious 4-year Austrian research project. On 17 July 2020, all 17 project partners met at the Cargo Center Graz. The individual consortium partners introduced themselves, organisational basics were exchanged and, under the leadership of Fraunhofer Research Austria, the first dates were set for the upcoming workshops on basic research.
The lead project PhysICAL (Physical Internet through Cooperative Austrian Logistics) creates the necessary conditions for a nationwide implementation of the Physical Internet in Austria – to protect the climate and for more efficient transport logistics. The 17 project partners are developing possible applications in four different sectors. The Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology will evaluate and certify the effectiveness of the novel concepts at the end.
The PhysICAL project is supported and financed within the framework of the RTI programme Mobility of the Future by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Protection and handled by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency.
Die vier Pilot-Projekte sind
- Smarte Holzlogistik
- Offene Transport-Management-Plattform
- Supply Chain 3.0
- Neue letzte KEP – Meile
All of them combine the demonstration of the benefits of the Physical Internet in different sectors as well as a Digital Twin of the Austrian transport network. The Digital Twin enables forecasting and optimisation possibilities in connection with network use and design and thus serves to improve the resilience of the entire network.
“We were enthusiastic and open to the project right from the start.” admits Nils-Olaf Klabunde at 4PL Intermodal GmbH.
“The idea and previous implementations of IMSLOT and the modules go hand in hand with the requirements of the project leaders and accompanying scientists from Vienna and Graz. The request came as a bit of a surprise but our team is of course very pleased that IMSLOT is to provide a basis for this. “
We will keep you informed in separate 4PL Intermodal blogs as well as on the project-related website
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Nils Olaf Klabunde
Nils-Olaf Klabunde ist seit über 20 Jahren im intermodalen containerisierten Güterverkehr in unterschiedlichen Positionen aktiv.