ReMuNet – Resilient multimodal freight transport networkResearch

What does ReMuNet do?

ReMuNet identifies and signals disruptive events and assesses their impact on multimodal transport corridors.

It reacts quickly and seamlessly to disruptive events in real time.

It supports TMS providers in improving the resilience of route planning. ReMuNet communicates alternative, predefined, multimodal transport routes to logistics companies and then to truck drivers, train drivers and barge captains.

As a result, it enables faster and adaptive response of the multimodal network. ReMuNet orchestrates route usage, suggests transshipment points and optimises capacity allocation, minimising damage and reducing recovery time.  

What is the core objective of ReMuNet?

As an enabler of the physical internet, ReMuNet’s vision is to enable and incentivize synchromodal relay transports on European rail, road and inland waterways. It significantly reduces emissions and increases the efficiency of freight corridors in the event of major accidents. 

How will ReMuNet achieve this?

  • How will ReMuNet achieve this?
  • An algorithm capable of calculating multimodal route alternatives and capacity utilisation in the face of disruptive events. It uses real-time data for dynamic synchromodal alternative route planning 
  • A collaborative platform that connects relevant freight operators and enables them to manage disruptions. This is done by providing secure and resilient digital logistics and network management tools that enable alternative routing information and orchestrate event-based synchromodal relay transport 
  • Use of reinforcement learning to model and evaluate alternative courses of action as the basis for a self-learning, adaptive multimodal European freight transport and logistics network.

Fragen & Antworten zu Forschung & Entwicklung

How is a CO2 factor calculated?

The bases of the calculation are subject to the scientific criteria. Here, DIN 16258: 2011 is a guideline for calculation and evaluation.

Is IMSLOT already being used productively?

Yes, IMSLOT is being used productively by a steadily growing number of very well-known representatives of the intermodal transport industry. Due to the complex tasks in the transport sector, we grow consciously step by step and always with our partners and clients. In addition, IMSLOT modules are also used in research projects.

Why was 4PL selected for the research projects?

As a start-up, we at 4PL Intermodal can experimentally apply and test new ideas and technical prototypes. In addition to the necessary know-how, we and our team are also interested in continuous further development. We create all the prerequisites for this. In this way the greatest possible success of the tasks in the projects is conceptually given and has also been achieved to date.

In addition, with its platform economy and technical support, 4PL Intermodal has the necessary resources to provide the research institutions with ideal conditions.