Missing valuesIMSLOT

Not all information is always available when booking the transport

Individually definable action parameters remind the customer of expiring deadlines and warn in good time if these are not adhered to.

Weitere Features von IMSLOT

Booking mask

The heart of a booking is its table of contents. The booking mask functionally leads to the quality booking. Service providers and customers benefit and reduce errors.

Action parameter

Using individually definable action parameters, customers can be reminded of expiring deadlines and warnings can be triggered if these are not met.

Questions & Answers about Missing values IMSLOT

IMSLOT modules are basically developed according to the needs of the IMSLOT customers and their users. The focus is on universal use for all IMSLOT customers. If this is an individual and exclusive requirement, this will also be taken into account. We are at your disposal for feature requests or suggestions.

It took us 4 weeks from the development to the integration of a module in the shortest possible time. This includes the conception as well as the test operation including LIVE gear. weiterlesen

Yes, IMSLOT is being used productively by a steadily growing number of very well-known representatives of the intermodal transport industry. Due to the complex tasks in the transport sector, we grow consciously step by step and always with our partners and clients. In addition, IMSLOT modules are also used in research projects.

The bases of the calculation are subject to the scientific criteria. Here, DIN 16258: 2011 is a guideline for calculation and evaluation.

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